German Rescue Robotic Centre
The German Rescue Robotic Centre (DRZ) is intended to promote the use of robot systems in civil terrestrial emergency response in hostile environments. Here, the four guiding scenarios of fire, collapse & burial, detection of hazardous substances and flooding as well as the resulting challenges for rescue robotics form the basis. Among other activities, a so-called Living Lab will be set up for this purpose, i.e. a laboratory with an attached test site, in which scientists, companies and users can jointly research the best possible solutions for supporting rescue robots and test them in realistic environments.
The implementation of the DRZ will create a national competence centre with international appeal. For the first time in Germany, emergency forces, researchers and industry will work on the realization of autonomous rescue robots and the establishment of a national and international robotics task force. In addition, test and inspection criteria are developed in order to ensure later standardization and certification of different robot systems. The Communication Networks Institute (CNI) will be in charge of the work on robust wireless networking of robotic systems even under the difficult conditions of a rescue operation.
Get in contact with us!
Contact Information
Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christian Wietfeld
TU Dortmund University
Communication Networks Institute
Otto-Hahn-Str. 6, Room C1-04-180
D-44227 Dortmund
Phone: +49 (0)231 755-4515